November 18, 2011

The Smell

Ah, yes. I didn't actually reveal what the smell was. The receptionist was so kind and called me at home to update me. Apparently there was some work being done on the sewer down the street and the fumes from the sealant they were using was seeping up through the toilets. Not flammable and not really toxic (though the packaging does say to use in well ventilated areas). So, mystery solved!

And some unrelated pictures...

(Note: I just realized that Freeman posted some of these pics on his Facebook account last night...but they are already loaded, so please enjoy the duplicates.)

Sweet Sleeper (and yes, we need to take more of her!)

Climbing the Tire Tower at the Children's Museum to ring the bell

Contemplating his accomplishment (or surveying the beauty from the pinnacle?)

Happier on the ground (well, maybe in this picture, but don't let this monkey fool you)

At the park. Once again, my kids are the ones who eschew playground equipment for drums made of pipe caps and fallen sticks.

I love my scooter.

I think this is one of my favorites of Veronica so far. In her sweeter moments, this is definitely an expression you'll see.

Pure excitement.

November 16, 2011

The Dentist (and Fireman) are People in Your Neighborhood

Today was Veronica's first dentist appointment. Actually, it was just another one for Hamilton and I asked if they could do Veronica's first "appointment" at the same time. (Our dentist's office is great--they do an orientation appointment to just get kids used to the surroundings and people). But, for the official record book, today was the day. So I tried to prepare them: we checked out and read several dentist books, I talked up Hamilton's role in showing Veronica how it's done, and I brought the camera.

Boy am I glad I brought the camera.

We got there early so that the kids could enjoy all the cool toys. When the hygienist came out and called them back, Hamilton did a great job of leading the way and Veronica was happy to follow anything he did.

Now, I should mention that there was a bit of an odor at the office. I noticed it upon getting there, but assumed someone was getting a procedure done that used something with a smell (I had a root canal done this summer and there was something they put in my mouth that tasted like that smell). But, after the kids headed in, I heard the desk staff talking about the smell, so naturally, I asked about it.

And then this arrived...

Apparently, the fire department had been alerted to the smell and needed to come in and check it out.

This fireman went in and said hi to Hamilton while he was in the chair. He was also a little taken aback by my request to take his picture (but so kindly obliged).

Shortly thereafter, the kids were done with a "thumbs up" appointment and they came out to the waiting room to play some more while the firemen walked around inspecting. (Note: I was glad this appointment went well, because last time I got a "Your son doesn't want his teeth cleaned" message).

The patients with the dentist and hygienist...too busy checking out their new toothbrushes to smile.

As I walked to the counter to finish the paperwork, etc., the fire chief approached me and said, "We're just doing this as a precaution, but at this point, we are not sure where this smell is coming from and not sure whether or not it's flammable, so I am going to have to ask you to please put on the kids coats and leave."

Um, yes, I'll get my things and go.

Although we did get this photo with the fire truck:

my city kids' reactions to waiting for the bus next to 4 fire trucks, an ambulance, several police cars, etc. was more like this:

Oh to grow up in the city!

November 12, 2011


Hamilton at 32 days

Caroline at 39 days

November 9, 2011

Like Chicago Weather

Friends have been asking how we are doing (and I am so touched by how many people are remembering us). I've told a few people that it feels like I was used to juggling two balls, and now I've got three; I have a sense of how it should all work, but it's taking a lot more energy and focus than it used to.

I have a new analogy now--we're kinda like Chicago weather. Some moments are like that first spring day where everyone's out on the lake path--the older two are playing well together, Caroline's content, the house isn't sticky, and dinner's going to make it onto the table. Other moments are like late February when the snow has turned brown and frozen over and there's the realization that there may be months more of this. I won't go into what that looks like in our house, but I am sure you can imagine.

The nice thing is that, like Chicago weather, if you wait a few moments the temperature will likely change.

This analogy came to mind because that's exactly what happened with the weather today. We woke up to a day that was grey and wet. I began to go through my mental list of ways to keep both Hamilton and Veronica engaged and active. At about 9 am, I was prepping the materials for a hallway-relay-race, I looked up and could not believe what I saw. The sun was shining and the sky was blue! I ran to the computer to check the temperature; it was 58 degrees. I literally called out, "Children, socks, shoes...quickly!" Within 5 minutes (possibly a new record), we were out the door and to the park. Yes, it was wet, but who knows how many more park visits we will get before snow and ice (and who knows when the next meltdown will occur).

It was a little tricky taking pics of sweet Caroline, since she was strapped to me. She instantly fell asleep when we stepped outside. I think she enjoyed the fresh air as much as the rest of us.

Hamilton forwent the playground equipment for more natural diversions, such as autumn leaves and puddles.

I think in this last picture he's saying something like, "Mom, my shoes are off because they are wet. "

Veronica was racing motorcycles and loving it. In fact, none of the pictures did it justice, so here's a video.

You'll notice a the end that it no longer looks sunny or calm. In fact, about 2 minutes after that recording, we loaded up into the stroller and headed for cover before we got what felt like freezing rain. (And, as I type this, later the same day, it is officially 37 degrees in Chicago--a whole 20 degrees colder).

So back to the analogy--we couldn't count on that sun staying out forever (or even all morning). Likewise, the relative calm in our house didn't last either (once again, I won't bore you with the details, but trust me, chaos would be an appropriate descriptor). But I am learning to be thankful for the moments we do have and remembering that the chaos (and winter) won't last, either.

November 5, 2011

Meeting Caroline

How can I pitch this video with poor lighting, awkward angles, and fuzzy sound...?

Well, it is kinda funny...if you like watching little children run around in dim hallways.

And, it's sorta cute...if you can understand toddler mumbling.

Actually, it's the type of clip you can probably skim through and get the idea, but I haven't yet figured out all of the nuances of iMovie, so I didn't edit it much. (I give you complete permission to "watch" while surfing other sites; you'll still hear all the confused excitement and get a sense of the active-ness of our household).

As a sidenote, do any other moms out there notice that snapshots seem to portray an activity as much calmer and more organized than it actually was? No, just me? Great!

Why post it, then, you ask? I am guessing there's a grandparent or two (or four) who would like to see this and what the grandparents want, they get.

Note: If you'd like to travel down memory lane and watch Hamilton meeting Veronica for the first time, check this out).

November 2, 2011

Caroline Noor Whitney

Almost a month later...

Caroline Noor Whitney was born on her due date, October 3, at 9:52 pm and weigh 8 lbs 3 oz and was 21.5 inches long.

Less than 7 hours before her arrival, before heading to a routine appointment, Freeman asked, "So what are the chances we'll be sent over to triage to have this baby from the appointment?" I very assuredly answered that there was little-to-no (emphasis on the no) chance we'd have the baby that night. How's that for a lesson in humility!

And, really, God's timing was perfect. My dad was watching the kids while Freeman and I went to the appointment--and was so great to stay the night with them when we realized I wasn't coming home. (If you've ever spent time with two energetic toddler/preschoolers, you know that's no small task). Freeman's mom came up the next day and stayed for several days to help with the transition (once again, no small task). We are so grateful to both of them! And, to be honest, if we'd been at home, I am not sure we would have made it to the hospital in time--let alone with Oompah there to babysit.

She has been a sweet, calm, easygoing little baby so far (though she does like to be held and cries a bit when she's alone in the bedroom). Really, for her safety, I wear her in my Moby sling a good part of many days. She does spend some time hanging out on the couch and seems to like watching shadows. Of course, her laying on the couch is an open invitation for lots of love and interaction with Hamilton and Veronica, but she doesn't seem to mind (in fact, today, Hamilton's presence calmed her down from crying--hooray!).

Ready to go home!

2 weeks old

Seeing how I haven't taken many pictures of her since this point--I'd better get on it!