January 17, 2012

Kid Pictures!

My Aunt Tabby found this really cool kid-proof camera and thought that Hamilton (and by extension, I am sure, Veronica) might enjoy taking some of their own pictures. Boy, have they! (and we can pretty much vouch that this little camera can go through a lot and still keep clicking). Here are some of their better shots.

With Hamilton and Veronica both represented in this picture, I think one of the cousins must have been trying it out.

Cool oldest cousin, Emily. (Did I mention the camera comes with a flash?)


Veronica ready for bed

Mommy not saying "Cheese"

There are about 20 pics of Caroline from this particular photo shoot--all from this very flattering angle.

I have a feeling this picture is incriminating...

Skyping with Daddy

I was witness to this series...it sounded something like this...
Hamilton: Veronica, say "cheese."
Veronica: Sees.

Hamilton: No, Veronica. I said, "Cheese."
Veronica: Sees.

Hamilton: Cheese!
Veronica: Sees!

Hamilton: Veronica, please say, "Cheese."
Veronica: ...

There are a lot of pictures of Veronica's nose...taken by Veronica. And if you hear a little voice somewhere around your knees saying, "Sees," you best pause and give your best smile.

Thanks, Aunt Tabby!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

oh my goodness, oh my goodness... i need to get my hands on a camera like this! my boys BEG to take pics all the time and a kid-proof (actually, BOY proof) camera is what i need!