December 2, 2009

Dinner at the Whitneys

We've moved Hamilton to the big boy table to eat right in between Freeman and me (he previously sat in his booster seat on top of a stainless steel bar chair since his eating and the feet on the seat really messed with our wooden chairs). He loves it and gets really excited to climb into his chair at dinner time.

Of course, as with many toddlers, his eating habits can be...inconsistent (but, Hamilton, you loved [insert food name here] the last 10 times we had it!). Plus, dinner tends to be his lightest meal, but tonight he surprised us both by really taking a liking to his daddy's hot wing sauce.

He had already taken a couple of bites before I got the camera going--and I obviously didn't stop to adjust the lighting (sorry).

Oh, and see that bowl of oranges. That's what he wanted for dessert.

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