November 3, 2009

Driving My Tractor

We recently received an email from our friend Veronica from Turvey Abbey (you may recall we visited her in May for her Final Profession). Sr. Goedele, who had so kindly set up a play area for Hamilton during our visit, came across a video that she thought our little animal-lover would enjoy.

She was right on! Thank you, Sr. Goedele!

Here's little dude clucking like a chicken (actually, that was a first and you can tell he was pleased with himself). Then he finds the "moo" and exclaims "oh no" when all of the animals fall out of the tractor trailer. He can't really pretend to be sad like the farmer, though, because he knows all of the animals make it safely back to the farm.

If you'd like to watch the video without the Hamilton commentary (or our dishwasher in the background), check it out here:

1 comment:

Sr Johanna said...

It's a much better video WITH Hamilton's commentary--thanks for posting!