March 15, 2009

How've You Been?

I's been a while. We've missed you all, too!

So, truth be told, the reason that there have been no posts is simply because I (Jenny) have perfectionist tendencies and was waiting for the best moment to create a great post. Then comes reality--so here are a few pictures to get the ball rolling again.
Here's Hamilton with his first spaghetti experience (can you take a guess who thought it would be funny to drape one on Hamilton's forehead?).

He's not walking...but he's pretty confidently moving around while barely touching the furniture. This particular picture was during a two-week period where he was sick (yuck!). The fun part though, is only apparent if you zoom in...

Teeth! They're still barely through in this picture..but he officially got the chompers on Valentine's Day (otherwise known as Granddad's birthday).

Here's the birthday boy with his little dude! This is Hamilton's first U2 album release, so when we saw a busstop with an advertisement, we just had to take a picture (this is about 3 minutes before Hamilton fell asleep).

1 comment:

annaproulx said...

Oh he is too cute! Sickness is no fun but he still looks like a happy guy.