August 9, 2008

Happy Birthday, Uncle William and Cousin Paloma!

Today, we traveled to Aurora to visit Freeman's brother, William, and his beautiful (and growing) family. It was a special day for two reasons: we celebrated William's birthday and met our new niece, Paloma Joy, for the first time. The bonus was that Grammy and Grandad were there, too!

Hamilton's showing Grandad his new trick--grabbing for fingers!

The older Aurora cousins (Joshua, Saraina, and Kadin) showing Hamilton some love. As Saraina put it, "I like him." (and she later confirmed that, yes, she liked him more than Texas Cake--now that's love!)
This picture is to document two things about Hamilton. 1) He has gotten pretty good at neck control. 2) He loves checking out what people are doing--he can't wait to be a part of it all.

The birthday boy getting some help opening presents.

Our sweet niece, Paloma, with her Grammy on her one month birthday.

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