January 16, 2012

Quiet Time

"So, when do they nap?" It's a question I try to avoid, since it's always a little awkward when I say, "They don't, really." Some other parents then try to apologetically explain how they are trying to get their child to give up a nap--like I am somehow judging them.

Nope...it's just that my firstborn was never a great day sleeper (or night sleeper for the first 8 months, for that matter). And at some point around 18 months, he gave up naps for good. Of course, I kept trying with it for a bit but I realized one day that he didn't get grumpy without one. And, if I did get him to fall asleep, he would inevitably be up until 10 or 11 at night as opposed to his habitual 7 o'clock bedtime. So, we made the executive decision to stop enforcing nap time.

Really, trading in that hour of sleep for some flexibility in the afternoons worked well for me, and Veronica was such a great napper-on-the-go that we kept the pattern going after she was born. That was, until I was getting into that want-to-go-back-to-sleep-at-ten-in-the-morning part of the pregnancy with Caroline and it hit me...

No rest in the afternoon isn't going to work with three kids. And while Hamilton was pretty good with entertaining himself, he wasn't very good at entertaining himself quietly. Plus now that Veronica was no longer in her crib, I needed to be more intentional with her rest time in the afternoon, too. Eek!

So began our family quiet times. And, whew, it's been a lot of work and lots and lots of trial and error. And more errors than successes generally. It's been a work for me in being disciplined, too. I know from my teaching days the importance of consistency in getting a routine to work and become effortless...but the mother-Jenny is apt to nudge aside quiet time on a nice day and head to the park or run an errand. And pay for it the next day in trying to reinstate the routine.

Enter the iPod...loaded with familiar VBS songs...and our quiet time now looks like this (on a good day).

She spotted me and said, "Cheese."

He only looked up because of repeated flash needed in our bedroom.

This little one could teach the rest of Team Whitney a lesson about consistency in routine. She is a clockwork napper and goes to sleep on her own. I am in awe--I had no idea it could be like this!

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