at a Toys'R'Us in Central Illinois, a loving great-aunt got a Cabbage Patch doll for a one-year old Veronica. Although the doll came home and lived with the other dolls and stuffed animals, Veronica didn't take much notice of her until one day...

Veronica's mommy had a new baby girl. All of the sudden it clicked. She had a baby, too! And although this baby didn't have a name (other than being referred to as Baby Jesus for a brief time around Christmas), she was very loved. Veronica took her everywhere, until...
The next night, Veronica asked for Baby to join her in her bed (which was her usual custom). Neither of her parents could find Baby, and being tired, distracted her until she fell asleep. But Baby had to be found. So Veronica's loving father donned his heavy coat (it was freezing outside) and retraced the family's steps.
It wasn't until he had made the entire walk and turned around to return home that he noticed sweet Baby, frozen to someone's patio. So, he trespassed to retrieve her and brought her home, where she was given a nice bath in the washing machine.
The next morning, Veronica was so excited to see her baby once again. And everyone lived happily ever after.
That is a wonderful story of a father's deep, sweet love for his daughter! Precious and so glad to hear that Baby was found!!
i am laughing so hard right now - now at sweet veronica, but at the image i have in my mind of freeman tromping through the snow and ice to locate a lost doll... only to be found frozen on someone's porch! hahaha! this will go in the baby book, for sure, and will be a great story in years to come. yup, you sure did marry a good one! he loves his family more than self!
A real-life Knuffle Bunny experience. Good work, Freeman!
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