December 10, 2010

Stickers, Hats, and Why we don't have more video of Veronica

Hamilton loves stickers. In fact, on a bus ride home Wednesday evening, he spotted some stuck to a window sill across the way and was set on peeling them off so he might have them (that is until Freeman nixed that idea).

So you can imagine his delight when he turned the page in a coloring book and discovered an entire sheet of stickers...right there for him to play with. This is what I find after leaving for a few minutes to take a shower.

Then, this past Wednesday at Puggles (the 2-year old AWANA program) was Crazy Hat Night. I knew that this would be hit or miss with most of the 2 year-olds, but thought we should be prepared. So we found a crazy ball from Oompah and safety pinned it to his stocking cap (which he'd be wearing's COLD out there).

And here's Veronica donning the cap.

And you may be asking why there aren't more videos of our sweet Veronica. Well, one reason is that most videos end up looking something like this:

Or, there's this version, which I think looks a little more like a commercial (maybe for insurance?).

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Haha!! I love that video of Veronica! Someone enjoys cameras. :)