My sister Mariam, who also loves being in the kitchen, had the brilliant idea of bringing over some cookie ingredients on a recent visit. She and Hamilton mixed, rolled, and cut to their hearts' content.

...and of course someone needed to do some quality control on the taste. Please don't ask why he's on the counter. I really don't know. I do know that he has been crossing his ankles like that since he was a baby. It's his trademark move, but not really relevant here, so let's move on.
Fast forward a few weeks...and Hamilton gets another chance to perfect his cookie making skills. This time, his partners were Emily and Allison (cousins from Texas). Hamilton was intermittently interested, mostly towards the end when there was opportunity for sampling.
1 comment:
what a cute lil helper! never say no to someone eager to help in the kitchen... it's bound to pay off in years to come! :)
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