Tonight, after I got Caroline down, I was really looking forward to taking a shower and crawling into bed myself. No sooner than I was dressed for bed, I heard the unmistakable sound of...well, let's say a stomach bug doing it's thing, in our bedroom. Yes, poor Veronica is sick...again. We had just gone through one round of this with everyone but Freeman affected and I was so thankful for our regained health.
I got poor, sweet girl out of her bed and into the shower to get her clean enough to put back to sleep. As I was remaking her bed, I heard another unmistakable sound from the other side of the room. Oh, yes. Apparently our oldest two did a very effective job of sharing this bug.
So, over an hour after I was seconds from being in bed, I am hanging out at the computer, waiting to see if I am needed again...and remembering that quote. Don't get me wrong, I don't think God's in the business of taking away things immediately when we don't thank Him in this era of history. But, isn't it true that we recognize what we had more acutely when it's gone?
As I think of tomorrow, which will probably look a lot like this
I have seen that saying oft quoted recently, as well & it is thought provoking. I'm so thankful that God doesn't work that way, but I do agree with the sentiment that it is trying to evoke, thankfulness.all the all things!
Praying for you guys with round 2 over there, boo! That was us last December, I remember it well. Hope that you can get sleep soon!
oh jenny! praying for QUICK recovery for your kids and that NO ONE else gets it... this is one thing you don't want your kids to share, huh? and, thanks for the timely reminder of an attitude of thankfulness. it's really hard in the doldrums of life and in the are-you-serious?-this-is-happening-again?! moments of life. i appreciate your honesty and perspective.
I read your post on fb and then checked here. I can't say I envy you, but man how do you do it??? Hamilton even manages to look really sweet in that photo! I swear when only one of my kids gets sick, it feels like a picnic in comparison to two, right? And I don't have an infant to care for on top of that. Yikes. Hope this is your last round, looks like you've paid your dues!
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