November 5, 2011

Meeting Caroline

How can I pitch this video with poor lighting, awkward angles, and fuzzy sound...?

Well, it is kinda funny...if you like watching little children run around in dim hallways.

And, it's sorta cute...if you can understand toddler mumbling.

Actually, it's the type of clip you can probably skim through and get the idea, but I haven't yet figured out all of the nuances of iMovie, so I didn't edit it much. (I give you complete permission to "watch" while surfing other sites; you'll still hear all the confused excitement and get a sense of the active-ness of our household).

As a sidenote, do any other moms out there notice that snapshots seem to portray an activity as much calmer and more organized than it actually was? No, just me? Great!

Why post it, then, you ask? I am guessing there's a grandparent or two (or four) who would like to see this and what the grandparents want, they get.

Note: If you'd like to travel down memory lane and watch Hamilton meeting Veronica for the first time, check this out).


Sarah said...

this video is DARLING! and sweet veronica... she seems like she's not too sure what to think about that baby strapped to you. hamilton is, i'm guessing, all energy like that each day! boys! i'm tired after watching the activity of the short video, and i know you must be a tired momma too! blessings as you raise and love and care for those sweet faces!

Jayme and Cory said...

This is hilarious! I watched it with the kids, and they were both enthralled! "That's a tiny baby!" "Which one is Hamilton?" (After I told Scout that Hamilton is the one we made the cape for). So amusing, can't believe that sweet baby just hung in there, snug as a bug, while those big siblings chased around like little turkeys! Love it! Hope you're doing well!