January 28, 2011

And She's Off!

Veronica is a super-mobile little girl. I suspect this is because of how highly she regards her brother. Anywhere he is, she wants to be (sometimes to his dismay, but often to his delight).

Hamilton has a lot of energy--big surprise for a 2 1/2 year-old boy--so Veronica's crawling was not cutting it...

This second video is actually from a couple of weeks ago (pre-walking days) showcasing two of Veronica's favorite things to do: 1) putting things in her mouth and 2) climbing onto the dishwasher door. For the record, neither of these are "allowed" but for these 30 seconds, I just focused on capturing the moment.
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1 comment:

Jayme and Cory said...

Oh, your kids are so cute, so sweet. I gotta say, "Go Veronica, go!" Gotta keep up with Hamilton!