August 26, 2010

At the Zoo with the Whitney Kiddos (July 5)

Ever since we took a day trip out to Aurora, Hamilton knows who his Whitney cousins are (he's getting to the age where it's sticking). In order to identify them, though, he says all of their names in a row (even when just talking about one of them), "Joshua-Saraina-Kadin-Paloma-Autumn." (whew)

We were thrilled when the Aurora Whitney's (aka Whitney Kiddos) drove into the city for a little zoo and pizza excursion. We so enjoy seeing them and always have such a nice time.

Veronica loves her Auntie Kia

Checking out animals

and more animals

and big boy Hamilton joining his big cousins to check out even more animals.

Autumn enjoying the ride

Then we went for some pizza, and these three love pizza.

Sweet cousins

1 comment:

Mama-cita Whitney said...

the Aurora crew knows "Cousin Hamilton" and "Baby Veronica." hopefully we'll see you guys on Labor Day!