The three of us spent the day taking in the Chicago Air and Water Show from the roof terrace at Moody Church. Our Sunday School class hosted the event, so we saw lots of our friends from there, plus a former coworker of Freeman's and her fiance also stopped by (Kelly and Jason). Taking pictures of the planes never really works out so well as they're moving very, very fast, but the show was spectacular. Hamilton seemed to enjoy it all, at least until the collective roar of six US Air Force Thunderbirds sent him running to the door to head inside from the terrace. This picture of the Thunderbirds is from the Tribune (they flew over the beach, across Clark Street, directly over and heads at the church, and off into the late afternoon sun).

Most of our time was spent visiting with our friends from class and watching Hamilton run around the terrace. He was very interested in examining the food and beverages everyone else had brought . . . quite the little scavenger!

His bare feet got kind of dirty after awhile!

Kelly and Jason (Freeman's former coworker at DePaul and fellow HSC graduate).

And Jenny and Freeman (fresh from having water dumped on him by Hamilton).

And Hamilton seeking sonic relief from the roar of the jets.
1 comment:
I think what I like about these photos is comparing the looks on Hamilton's face in two of them.
When Jenny is holding him and showing his feet, you can just see this in his eyes, "Release the foot and put me down. Now."
In the last photo, there's almost an equal amount of pure delight on his face because of his ability to run his own way.
You guys reading about raising strong-willed children yet?
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