Day three was the longest ride of the whole trip--60 miles from Annamoe to Carlow. The original plan was to go only 40 miles, but to do so by climbing over high point of the Wicklow mountains, a pass tough enough to have been included as part of the Tour de France in 1998. Instead, and upon the advice of a local, we went around the high point, but took on some more miles by doing so. We started the day off by riding from Annamoe into
Glendalough to see the ruins of a monastery founded in the 6th by St. Kevin.

After our time at Glendalough, we got back onto the bikes and hit the road south to Rathdrum and then towards the west and Aughrim, where we stopped for lunch and Hamilton actually had a chance to play for awhile (the restaurant had a play section).

We headed further west on to Tinahely.

And then on to Clonmore, where we came across this ruined 12th century castle.

With the shadows around us getting longer and longer, we picked up the pace and finally got into Carlow just after 6:00.

The ride was a long one, but the weather was fantastic and the scenery was amazing. We ended up having Indian food for dinner that night and then off to bed.
Seriously, you guys are troopers, all 3 of you. Sounds like it was a fantastic time. Really enjoyed hearing about it at Church today from Freeman. One of these days, Kristina and I would love to get the whole story. :-)
we are absolutely amazed by team-whitney's endurance! looking forward to reading more about your journey...
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