October 29, 2011

And One Makes Three

I know that we have been delinquent in posting anything about our sweet Caroline (and thank you to those who have "reminded" me--I really do appreciate it). And for those of you who are thinking, "Poor third child," please know that she's probably been held/strapped to me more than the other two combined (mostly for protection) and part of the reason this is so delayed is because I am so in love with her (and have fallen in love again with the other two) that I choose snuggling during the rare times it is quiet enough around here to compose a post. Oh, and I still have mommy brain and the idea of composing a sentence, let alone a post sounds trickier than a #29 bus ride to Navy Pier with 3 3-and-under kids!

I'll get to work on a "Meet Caroline" post shortly (really), but wanted to post a couple of pictures and highlights of life with three.

Our three sweet monkeys. No doubt that life is a bit crazy right now, but we sure do thank God for them and love them to pieces.

Sweet Sisters

Some of the memories that stick out about Veronica and Caroline in these first few weeks are:
  • One might think that Caroline's name is Olivia if going by what Veronica says most around her. She very emphatically repeats "O of oo!" while getting closer and closer and showering her sister with kisses (notice the movement in the first photo). She's not saying her name, she's saying "I love you." It melts my heart every time, even as I am trying to protect Caroline from her "love."
  • She's pretty sure whenever Caroline is in the touchdown baby position (you know, with the arms as goal posts), that her sister is asking her for a high five. And she is happy to oblige. In fact, she insists on it...several times a day.
  • She brings me diapers, blankets, and toys for Caroline--such the helper.

Big Brother

Initial memories of Hamilton with Caroline:
  • He uses a very staccato pronunciation of her name: Car-O-Line.
  • He asks to hold her about a dozen times a day...and I try to let him as much as possible. He's actually pretty good at it (enough so that I can capture some quick pictures, but not enough for me to be further away than arm's reach).
  • That first photo is of him when Caroline got a bit fussy. He's obviously been watching me because I use my pinky to calm my doesn't-want-a-pacifier-but-wants-to-suck baby.
  • That second photo captures how he looks at her--you can just see the love.
  • She's the first thing he wants to see every morning.
  • edited to add: How could I forget my favorite Hamilton/Caroline memory thus far. Hamilton loves saying things like, "Baby Caroline, you are so sweet/wonderful/amazing/special." The other day he started in with "Baby Caroline, you are so sweet." Then he got a thoughtful look on his face and added, "But not delicious."

More to come!