On our way out, I noticed that all of the tulips along the driveway to our building were blooming--and what amazing colors! So, I asked the kids to hop off of the stroller and take a seat for an impromptu photoshoot (so glad I did, we got a cold front the next day and many of the petals were blown away). Please forgive the fact that Hamilton is out of focus in all of these. You think after taking a college course on photo stuff, I'd have figured out the depth of field/aperture by now--but apparently not!
After a quick workout, we headed to Grant Park for a picnic. My children have heard all about these "picnics" and thought they were the coolest (well, at least Hamilton did). Unfortunately, I am not the momma who's gonna take them out for a Chicago winter picnic, so they had to wait. We kept it simple, PB sandwiches with grapes. We ended up picking a shady spot close to the pathway home (and bathrooms, in case that became a necessity). So, yes, we were pretty close to Michigan Avenue, which is kinda an odd setting for a picnic. Oh well!
This boy loves finding sticks--and they were all around!
Excited to be eating outside.
Then Hamilton announced that he wanted to climb the "mountain." Veronica followed for a while, but got distracted by a squirrel (or maybe a bird).
Then she came back and decided to play ball with me.
We all climbed the mountain, er hill, together.
At the top, I tried to get another couple of shots in. Here, I asked Hamilton to hug Veronica. I think she was skeptical.
At this point, I made a mental note that although our stoller no longer needed a stash of extra gloves, scarves, etc., I'd probably get some sunscreen, sunglasses, and hats to shade these little toeheads. So I popped Veronica into the stroller and announced to Hamilton that we were stopping for his birthday ice cream cone (Marble Slab sent him a coupon for a free one).

Despite that offer, Hamilton didn't want to pass up a chance the Agora structures as we exited Grant Park. Shortly after taking this picture, he excitedly announced that he had found a spider web.
We did eventually get the ice cream (after realizing that Marble Slab wasn't open--eek!).
Unfortunately, by then, little girl was out.
At this point, I made a mental note that although our stoller no longer needed a stash of extra gloves, scarves, etc., I'd probably get some sunscreen, sunglasses, and hats to shade these little toeheads. So I popped Veronica into the stroller and announced to Hamilton that we were stopping for his birthday ice cream cone (Marble Slab sent him a coupon for a free one).
Despite that offer, Hamilton didn't want to pass up a chance the Agora structures as we exited Grant Park. Shortly after taking this picture, he excitedly announced that he had found a spider web.