Although Hamilton entered the world on May 15, it's only recently that
he became aware of that fact. It's been fun to watch him explore and see him realize that he can actually exert his will on the world around him.
This is a little trick we like to call "The Escape Artist." The first time he ever did this, he stopped about halfway down to give me a smirk that said, "Now what are you going to do?" (We then started to strap him in.) Note: You may want to turn the volume down--Hamilton expressing frustration is a little hard to hear.
Hamilton officially has rolling over now--and enjoys it so much that I wasn't able to grab the camera before he got started. (He can now go both ways, but still prefers going back-to-tummy.)
One evening, Freeman and I were sitting in our living room and all of the sudden we heard Hamilton's crib aquarium. Check it out...