February 23, 2013

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

 Four sweet cousins wearing purple...without planning to "match."

So many cousins waiting to watch the Aquatic Show (Caroline was asleep on Freeman's lap elsewhere).   These were front row seats!


The look on their faces, combined with the (real) sharks in the background, cracks me up.

 This is super under exposed since it was so backlit, but isn't that a great expression.  We were so happy to spend a day at the aquarium with our Aurora cousins.

 Check out Hamilton's face while trying some of our homemade jello (that he "insisted" on buying ingredients for with some treat money).  Oh, he was so disappointed in the end result!  I think there's a lesson in there somewhere.

February 18, 2013

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

Let's just pretend it's Thursday, yes?

Veronica loves doing her own hair!


So out of focus, but she was this happy to get her own cup.

I actually have a video that shows this better, but I cannot figure out how to edit it.  If I figure it out soon, there may be an additional post.  No promises.  During a family movie night (yay, Winnie the Pooh), Freeman popped some of his special popcorn.  For the first time, Caroline got her very own little cup full (and by little, I think the cup was able to hold maybe 7 kernels).  She couldn't have been happier to be just like Hamilton and Veronica.


I was showing Hamilton and Veronica a Mr. Roger's song on Youtube the other day.  Hamilton, already wearing a tie with his t-shirt, asked if he had a zip-up sweater like Mr. Rogers.  Sure enough! Before I knew it, both he and Veronica were in character.


We're thankfully just about through a cold around here.  There were several days this week where none of us were up to much.  Which means...building a fort and hanging out in it watching some TV.

January 31, 2013

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

Since I am obviously not up to blogging right now, I thought I might try something a little different.  A blog recommended to me by a friend (thanks, Emily), does a {pretty, happy, funny, real} link-up every Thursday, where people are encouraged to post...well...something pretty, happy, funny, and real from the past week.  Since this can be pretty much all pictures and very little text--I thought I might give it a try.  Here we go:

This guy may not look pretty to you, but I say a Frogfish is a good example of God's awesome creativity.  These guys can completely change color within a few days/weeks to match their surroundings and although you can't tell from this photo--he really does blend into the coral behind him.

You may remember my story of Hamilton asking Veronica to "be spiderman" while accompanying him to the bathroom (he was quite afraid to be by himself for a while).  Well, Grammy made an awesome thift store find in this Spiderman body-costume and a dear friend from church (who did not know he liked Spiderman or had just received the costume) gave him a mask.  Now we have a Spiderman transformation several times a week.

 Caroline wins two funny slots this week.  First, just check out her expression.  I tell ya, she is one for a really expressive face.   I love this picture because the colors remind me of pictures taken in Central and South America, even though it's just a room at an area childrens museum.

 And here's her other submission for this category (just taken and not cropped yet).  The others were dressing up (see the "happy" picture) and she couldn't stand to be left out.  Notice her favorite purse, Elmer Fudd hat and golden heart bangle.  And yes, she did climb up the overturned "Dress Up Clothes Bin" by herself.  She's fearless.

Yesterday, Hamilton had $4 to choose a treat to buy on behalf of our children.  He insisted on some juice because he wanted to make some jello (I think Veronica was hoping for chocolate).  After the anticipation of waiting ALL NIGHT to try it, here is his expression after his first try.  It wasn't to his liking.  Thankfully, Veronica and Caroline enjoyed it and everyone had fun with some cookie cutters.

June 6, 2012

For Sr Goedele

After my post about our new stroller and (snif) our Bob, Sr Goedele noticed something I had forgotten to include...a picture of the "Vibe" (our new stroller).

Here's Freeman doing it all.  Caroline's in the back carrier and Hamilton and Veronica are in the stroller.
Here's a closer shot showing the two older ones relaxing in their own space.

June 3, 2012

Pere Marquette aka Operation Evacuate Chicago

Back in October, Freeman (who is much more in the know about these things than I am) got word that our city was hosting NATO and G8 Summits consecutively and launched Operation Evacuate Chicago.

 Yes, the plan was NATO would be held at the marker on the lower right-hand side of the map and G8 would be at the marker at the upper-left hand side (about 3 miles from the first marker).   That little marker right in the middle...that's our building.  Yup.   So Freeman reserved some time off and we nicknamed that week Operation Evacuation or something like that.   As I am sure you've heard, G8 was subsequently moved and NATO went off without any major incident, but we figured that being out of town versus spending the weekend (holed up) in our unit with three kids sounded like the best plan.

So, onto the fun part of this post.  We decided to do a little family trip to Pere Marquette State Park along the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers and some Grammy/Granddad time in Chatham (more on that in a future post).  Freeman and I had done some hiking at Pere Marquette pre-children and thought it would be a great first family vacation.

Upon checking-in, we got a map indicating the location of our cabin.  Here's Hamilton using the map to lead us.
And here's where he realizes he needs a lesson in map reading.
Here's Tonti cabin, our home for a couple of nights.  Since returning from our vacation, our children have created a Tonti cabin in our living room almost every day and then asked if we could please sleep at the real Tonti cabin again tonight.
I have a suspicion it had something to do with this bunk bed, which was promptly inspected for safety and bounciness.
All that jumping warranted a snack.  Who is that little girl next to Veronica, you ask?  Why, that's baby Caroline.  They do grow so fast!
 The first evening, we checked out the Lodge and taught Hamilton how to play checkers and then took an evening swim after dinner to tire the troops.

The next morning, before our first hike.

Hamilton was appointed the position of scout and took his role very seriously.  He made sure we stayed on the red heart trail.

What's at the top of the stairs?
They didn't really appreciate the river view.
The spider web was pretty cool, though.
Here's Hamilton at a second overlook after spotting the beaver lodge.

Veronica was a good sport, but it was at about this point that she really wanted a ride.   Good thing this overlook was the end of the trail.

So back to the car we went.

After lunch, we crossed the Illinois River on a ferry boat (a first for any of us) and let the kids nap in the back while we checked out the lovely rolling landscape of Calhoun County (incidentally, I have a cousin-once removed and a second cousin who live there...though we didn't find out until later).  For us flatlanders, it was a welcome change in scenery.  Then we headed back to the lodge for more checkers and running around, dinner and swimming.  Somewhere in there we relaxed at the cabin...where our doesn't-really-ever-nap boy looked something like this...

The next morning, we undertook one more hike before heading back to Chatham.  Hamilton again served as our scout, this time on the blue triangle trail.
Veronica wanted a picture as a scout, too.

Here I am trying to teach them something I know very little about on the side of the path.  Note to self, brush up on local earth science before embarking on another trip.  Oh well, they know that if I don't know, we can research the answer later!

Sweet girl...don't let all that sitting up fool you...she's still a baby, yet!

After our hike, we checked out the little nature/information center.  Hamilton was immediately drawn to the bones and skeletons (go figure).
Such a bad picture, but I love it because it tells so much about Hamilton.  I pointed at the poster on the wall and told him it listed the names of all of the flowers pictured.  He immediately sat on the ground and asked me to read it to him and repeated after me.

All in all, so thankful that NATO was uneventful...but also so thankful that the anticipation of it served as the catalyst for a short and sweet family vacation in the woods.